• Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins 1.2
    Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins
    This is a comprehensive list of 44,000+ baby names with gender, meaning, and origin. There are 160+ geographic or ethnic origins of the names in the database. This database of baby names and meanings is the largest and unique collection on the web.
  • Docket Docket 1.4
    Quickly create printable to do lists. Create a variety of printable to do lists including grocery lists, household chore task lists, or project lists for work. Use your to do lists right on your computer or print them out and take them with you.
  • Simply Journal Simply Journal 1.3
    Simply Journal
    Easily search, print, date & time stamp, password protect, & even browse entries. Keep them personal by using richly styled text or by using different colors to reflect your mood when you made an entry. Create multiple books for different s
  • Perf Perf 2013
    Perf allows you to manage your sporty performances of staying (walk, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.) as well as your weight and your measurements. He/it manages the following data: sport, distance, time, hour, consumption, shape, speed...
  • Love and Romance DSPP Love and Romance DSPP 1.0
    Love and Romance DSPP
    Get the best dating tips for love and romance from within your own wiser self with Love and Romance DSPP, the brain wave stimulating visual subliminal message program that empowers your natural love and romance abilities! DEMO WIN/MAC
  • Letters and Address Book Letters and Address Book 1.0
    Letters and Address Book
    Simple, basic word processing and address book software perfect for seniors and kids. Simple, oversized buttons, bold easy to read text, and a basic set of features that make it an easy to learn and use word processing/address book program.
    Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins
    Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins
    This is a comprehensive list of 44,000+ baby names with gender, meaning, and origin. There are 160+ geographic or ethnic origins of the names in the database. This database of baby names and meanings is the largest and unique collection on the web.
    Docket Docket
    Quickly create printable to do lists. Create a variety of printable to do lists including grocery lists, household chore task lists, or project lists for work. Use your to do lists right on your computer or print them out and take them with you.
    Simply Journal Simply Journal
    Simply Journal
    Easily search, print, date & time stamp, password protect, & even browse entries. Keep them personal by using richly styled text or by using different colors to reflect your mood when you made an entry. Create multiple books for different s
    Perf Perf
    Perf allows you to manage your sporty performances of staying (walk, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.) as well as your weight and your measurements. He/it manages the following data: sport, distance, time, hour, consumption, shape, speed...
    Love and Romance DSPP Love and Romance DSPP
    Love and Romance DSPP
    Get the best dating tips for love and romance from within your own wiser self with Love and Romance DSPP, the brain wave stimulating visual subliminal message program that empowers your natural love and romance abilities! DEMO WIN/MAC
    Letters and Address Book Letters and Address Book
    Letters and Address Book
    Simple, basic word processing and address book software perfect for seniors and kids. Simple, oversized buttons, bold easy to read text, and a basic set of features that make it an easy to learn and use word processing/address book program.



Latest Personal Interest Software

Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins
Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins
Baby Names Database, Meanings & Origins

This is a comprehensive list of 44,000+ baby names with gender, meaning, and origin. There are 160+ geographic or ethnic origins of the names in the database. This database of baby names and meanings is the largest and unique collection on the web.


Quickly create printable to do lists. Create a variety of printable to do lists including grocery lists, household chore task lists, or project lists for work. Use your to do lists right on your computer or print them out and take them with you.

Simply Journal
Simply Journal
Simply Journal

Easily search, print, date & time stamp, password protect, & even browse entries. Keep them personal by using richly styled text or by using different colors to reflect your mood when you made an entry. Create multiple books for different s


Perf allows you to manage your sporty performances of staying (walk, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.) as well as your weight and your measurements. He/it manages the following data: sport, distance, time, hour, consumption, shape, speed...

Love and Romance DSPP
Love and Romance DSPP
Love and Romance DSPP

Get the best dating tips for love and romance from within your own wiser self with Love and Romance DSPP, the brain wave stimulating visual subliminal message program that empowers your natural love and romance abilities! DEMO WIN/MAC

Letters and Address Book
Letters and Address Book
Letters and Address Book

Simple, basic word processing and address book software perfect for seniors and kids. Simple, oversized buttons, bold easy to read text, and a basic set of features that make it an easy to learn and use word processing/address book program.